Grounded is a survival game that focuses heavily on its crafting mechanics, so you’ll naturally find yourself making a lot of tools to help you along the way. I’m going to go over the Tools you’ll have access to in the early part of the game, with simpler materials and which don’t require a Workbench.
Here’s a rundown of the basic Tools you can create, how to use them, what materials you’ll need to craft and repair them, and how to unlock their recipes in your crafting tab.
Remember that repairing an item restores it back to perfect condition. Depending on the amount and type of repair materials required, you can decide if you’d like to repair a broken item or simply craft a new one. For these low level Tools the repair material is usually Quartzite.
Tool Recipes
These tools can be found under the basic ‘Tools’ section of your crafting menu. While you don’t need to be at a Workbench to craft these items, you do still need to unlock each recipe before it will be listed.
Most recipes are obtained by gathering one of the component items for the first time, or by analyzing a component item.
Pebblet Axe
Sprig x3, Pebblet x2, Woven Fiber x1 (Repair: 1 Quartzite)
Recipe Unlock: Craft Woven Fiber or Analyze Pebblet
“A basic chopping tool strong enough to hack into plant material.”
The Pebblet Axe is absolutely essential for collecting various types of resources that require a chopping action. It’s a pretty basic craft, so you can make it early on to start harvesting nearby Grass and Dry Grass. You’ll use this tool often, and you’ll need it when you eventually come across a Thistle Plant.
It’s only a Tier 1 tool, so some rare resources will be too tough for this tool to work on, like Weeds and some discarded food items.
In combat, the Pebblet Axe can often get the job done, but it’s not as efficient as the Pebblet Spear. The axe hits for similar damage but can’t be swung as quickly as the spear, limited to bursts of three swings.
Pebblet Hammer
Sprig x3, Pebblet x4, Woven Fiber x1 (Repair: 1 Quartzite)
Recipe Unlock: Craft Woven Fiber
“A basic busting tool necessary to pound large things into smaller, more portable particles.”
You might not see a ton of immediate use for this tool (how many Pebblets do you really need?), but it’s a key item to have with you for important resources later on. Acorns, Sap Clumps, and Quartzite all require a busting tool to break.
As a weapon, the Pebblet Hammer hits hard, but you can’t swing it as quickly as a Pebblet Spear. It does have a good chance to stun enemies though.
Pebblet Spear
Sprig x2, Plant Fiber x3, Pebblet x1 (Repair: 1 Quartzite)
Recipe Unlock: Obtain Pebblet
“A basic stabby weapon to keep creatures at bay. Can also be thrown for a deadly amount of damage.”
This will be your first weapon, and maybe even your first craft since it’s so simple. I used the Pebblet Spear a few times in combat before I realized I could swing it even faster than I had been.
Land several hits in quick succession to take out small threats like Lawn Mites or Gnats before they can hit back or flee. Just be mindful of your stamina, since many swings in a short period of time can tire you out easily.
Sprig x2, Sap x1, Woven Fiber x2, Dry Grass Chunk x3
Recipe Unlock: Obtain Sap or Dry Grass Chunk
“Provides light in dark places. Held in the weak hand.”
The game gives you this recipe early on because a new player may find themselves in need of some light after sunset. The story also leads you to some darkened areas, and this tool will make the journey a whole lot easier.
You’ll hold the Torch in your off hand, while your main hand remains free to use whatever 1-handed item you have equipped. Switching to a 2-handed weapon like the Sprig Bow or the Spiky Sprig will force you to put away the Torch.
When you no longer need light, you can conserve durability and put the Torch away by pressing its hotpouch button again.
Sprig x2, Sap x1, Woven Fiber x2, Dry Grass Chunk x3
Recipe Unlock: Purchase Upgrade From BURG.L (2000 Raw Science)
“A torch that’s been improved by the power of science. Will light your way for a very long time.”
The Torch+ is available as a recipe upgrade from BURG.L after you find him. It costs a whopping 2000 Raw Science. The recipe is exactly the same, it just lasts longer.
Slime Mold Torch
Slime Mold Stalk x2, Plant Fiber x2
Recipe Unlock: Obtain Slime Mold Stalk
“A torch-like stalk from a cluster of mold. Should be able to light your way for a short time.”
If you only need light for a short expedition, the Slime Mold Torch will serve you just fine. Its durability meter goes down noticeably faster than the Torch so it won’t last as long.
You can craft a few of these to make up for the low duration, or limit its usage. It works to get back to your base after dark, or when you just need to pop underground to collect something really quick.
Just like the Torch, you’ll need a free hand to hold this tool, and you can continue to use 1-handed tools in your main hand.
Sprig Bow
Sprig x3, Gnat Fuzz x4, Woven Fiber x2 (Repair: 2 Woven Fiber)
Recipe Unlock: Analyze Woven Fiber
“Perform attacks from a long distance. Requires arrows to be useful.”
Hold and release the action button to fire an arrow from your inventory. You can use the Swap Ammo button while it’s equipped to select a different arrow type. This is also a 2-handed weapon, so you can’t wield a Torch while using it.
The bow hits a little harder than a single stab from your Pebblet Spear, but its main advantage is getting a couple shots in when you’re not in melee range. You might use this to get a head start on a Spider’s HP bar, or to finish off a fleeing Ant.
You can retrieve your arrows from the ground if you miss, which will help you to conserve ammunition.
Arrow (x10)
Mite Fuzz x2, Thistle Needle x5
Recipe Unlock: Obtain Thistle Needle
“Simple thistle prickle arrow with mite fuzz fletching to make it fly right. Retrievable.”
Arrows stack up to 20 per inventory slot, so you can actually keep a good supply on your person. Remember to retrieve any arrows that didn’t find their mark.
Sticky Bomb
Spider Web x3, Bratburst x1
Recipe Unlock: Craft Bomb
“A bomb that’s covered in a sticky substance. Attaches to the first thing it hits.”
Throw it and it detonates for a huge explosion after a couple seconds.
Repair Tool
Woven Fiber x3, Sprig x2, Quartzite x1
Recipe Unlock: Obtain Quartzite
“A small tool useful for repairing damaged structures. Totally useless as a weapon, though.”
With the Repair Tool equipped, hover over structures to see their durability.
Acorn Shovel
Sprig x2, Woven Fiber x1, Acorn Shell x1 (Repair: 1 Quartzite)
Recipe Unlock: Analyze Woven Fiber
“Used to dig up grubs.”
Like the description suggests, you’ll need a shovel if you want to get at those burrowing grubs in the ground. Dig them up and then hit them with something sharp or heavy to finish the job.
You’ll also need the Acorn Shovel for any other digging actions, such as collecting any Clay when you spot some in a puddle.
Spiky Sprig
Sprig x3, Thistle Needle x5, Woven Fiber x2 (Repair: 2 Quartzite)
Recipe Unlock: Analyze Sprig
“A weaponized sprig with thorns at the end.”
The Spiky Sprig is a solid weapon that you can make once you find a Thistle Plant. It hits harder than your Pebblet Spear and can stun enemies, but it swings a bit slower, limited to a burst of 3 swings at a time.
This is a 2-handed weapon as you can see from how the character holds it, so you won’t be able to hold a Torch at the same time.
Venom Arrow (x5)
Arrow x5, Spider Venom x1
Recipe Unlock: Obtain Spider Venom
“Arrow dipped in spider venom. Deals toxic damage.”
Take some arrows and dip them in some poisonous spider venom. A simple way to make your arrows deadlier in combat.
Lure Arrow (x5)
Arrow x5, Flower Petal x1
Recipe Unlock: Obtain Flower Petal
“Arrow designed to attract insects.”
Distracts Ants for a couple of seconds as long as they aren’t in combat. Can often be picked up and used again. Fire one of these to get an Ant to stay still while you set up to smack it.
Gas Arrow
Arrow x1, Stinkbug Gas Sack x1
Recipe Unlock: Obtain Stinkbug Gas Sack
“An arrow with a stinkbug’s gas sack tied to it. Creates a stinky, hazardous gas zone where it lands.”
Creates a hazardous zone where it lands which dissipates after a couple moments, indicated by the arrow dislodging itself. You seem to be able to retrieve the arrow afterwards for unlimited uses.
You’ll be affected by the gas zone as well unless you remember to wear a Gas Mask.
You’ll probably become very familiar with these simple Tools as you play the game, and get a sense of what materials it’s important to keep in stock.
If you do a lot of travel at night, collect Sap and Dry Grass Chunks for Torches. If you favour the Sprig Bow in combat, hold onto Thistle Needles to make more Arrows.
Some of these Tools will eventually be replaced as you explore further and get access to more valuable resources. Keep an eye out for anything in your Workbench crafting tabs that looks like an upgrade to what you’re using, especially your weapons.
Of course, you might need to make something in an unexpected situation, so it’s always good to master the basics first! Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips to share about making or using Tools.
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